Mystery at a killing pace
Marlene M. Bell is an award-winning writer, artist, and sheep breeder who resides in wooded East Texas. Her renown sheep photographs grace the covers of many livestock magazines.
The fourth book in the Annalisse Series, Copper Waters, is a New Zealand sheep station mystery with light touches of romance. Stolen Obsession, Spent Identity, and Scattered Legacy, books one through three in the series, have received numerous awards including the Independent Press Award for Best Mystery and two FAPA President’s Gold awards. Her work can be found at marlenembell.com.
Marlene also writes children’s books. Her picture book, Mia and Nattie: One Great Team is based on true events with a bottle lamb from Ewephoric ranch. It’s a touching story of compassion and love between a little girl and her lamb. Mia and Nattie is suitable reading for ages 3 – 7 years. A Mom’s Choice Gold Award winner and Eric Hoffer Award Grand Prize Short List winner.
Marlene shares her life with her husband and a few dreadfully spoiled horned Dorset sheep: a large Maremma guard dog named Tia, and cats, Hollywood, Leo, and Squeaks. The animals and nature are the cornerstone for Marlene’s books.