Born and raised in New Jersey, I’m a baby boomer currently living in Florida. I’m a huge fan of the music from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, and my books, websites, blogs, and social-network postings reflect this passion of mine. If you love oldies music, chances are you’ve visited at least one of my websites; my sites include Oldies Connection (www.oldiesconnection.com), which contains a wealth of info on, and literally thousands of links for, our favorite singers and groups from the golden age of rock ‘n’ roll; official sites for The Dixie Cups and Robin McNamara; and fan sites for Ron Dante of The Archies, Andy Kim, Joey Dee, Neil Sedaka, and legendary Brill Building composer/producer Jeff Barry.
Other passions of mine include reading, writing (of course!) and photography. I’ve never taken a photography class—although I intend to do so when time permits!—and I’m not a professional in any sense of the word, but please feel free to follow me on Instagram (@oldiesconnection). (Expect to see lots of sunrise/sunset photos, as well as a few concert shots!)